Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mirror mirror On the Wall

I came across a very interesting site written by NurAneesa, nicknamed Ness. Her Dad's words stopped me cold.

This is copy-pasted word by word. I wouldn't like to summarize the whole text because Kak Aneesa wrote it beautifully.

"Sudah cukup iman di dada? Sudah cukup amalan di buku? Rasa diri lebih mulia seperti para nabi? Sudah bersedia untuk mengadap Mungkar dan Nangkir? Kalau rasa ada kurang, jangan tah kan mengata kan orang. Perbaiki diri sendiri."

Even with the hijjab on, he remind me constantly:

"Do not think those who are not covered are beneath you. Do not think you are better then others. Do not think that you are already 'perfect'. Sometimes those who are not covered are more sincere in their ibadah then you are."

Insya-Allah. I strive to remind myself everyday that there is still much improvement that needs to be done. There are still areas where I lack and I need to amend them.

I am not perfect, neither are you, nor the above mentioned blogger.

But the way the writer wrote such piece, I felt offended. Not because I felt the pangs of her insults, not quite. The tone of the post was demeaning and degrading.

Tegur menegur (advising) is encourage of course if you think that you have adequate knowledge in such area. There is no harm in doing so. None indeed. But do it within boundaries. Do not cross the line. Do not go into the point of demeaning and degrading others.

Who are you to say that you are better then others? Who are you to say that you are qualify to judge others? Who are you to say you are more righteous then others.

Sins and rewards bestowed by God upon oneself is between you and Him.

Allah sees what you do not see.

Allah knows what you do not know.

He is Almighty. "

2 had said their words:

Anonymous said...

Salam ukhti ryuneko..
Jazakallahu Khayran for visiting my humble website =) Alhamdulilah..We as brothers and sisters of the shahadah should help each other in becoming better muslims so we could be closer to our Creator in order to achieve Jannah.Insya Allah.
May Allah bless you for distributing His words and the teachings of His prophet.Amin.
Fi Aman Allah..Masalaama..

ryuneko said...

Salam Kak Aneesa,

Thanks for dropping by at my not-so-good page. You've been an inspiration. =) I really like to read ur blog. The path you went tru and being proud of wearing a hijab. I hope I can learn a lot from you as an ukhti.

