Spring's here and it's gardening time! Oh, and it's spring break too. Remember in KH where we have to learn about 'sains pertanian' in the sp section in the KH textbook (well,I took ERT for sure) but these basic things need to be known too and because it comes out in the PMR examination (not forgetting plumbing, engine, electric circuits, pertukangan etc).
Well, this is Bella Luna which I bought in my early days here :
And now I'm transferring it into a new pot.
Taking Care of Flowers
- Check your flowers daily. Add new water mixed with fresh flower food every other day.
- Remove any leaves that fall under the water line in the vase. Submerged leaves rot and create bacteria, shortening the life of your bouquet.
- Trim the stems under water (cut diagonally with a knife) every few days. This prevents air pockets that form inside the stem and block water uptake.
- Display your flowers in a cool, shady place — away from drafts, heat generating appliances, and sunlight.
- If your flowers are wilting, re-cut the stems under water. Then submerge them in a tub filled with cool water. Allow them to soak for 15 minutes before replacing them in the vase.
- To revitalize: Dip the flower stems into a cup of vodka or gin for up to five seconds, then replace into fresh water. If only the blooms are drooping, use a pin to prick the stem just beneath the flower.
Tips for Specific Flowers
- Dip rose stems into peppermint oil before placing them into water.
- Add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water for anemones, lilies, and gladioli.
- Drop a pinch of salt into the water for roses, snapdragons, and violets.
- Mix two teaspoons of sugar or lemonade to water containing asters and delphiniums.
- Drop a penny into a vase filled with tulips.
Future Uses for Flowers
- Dry flower heads and crush them to make potpourri. Add scented oils.
- Dry entire flower bouquet. Add a ribbon and use as a wall hanging.
- Use rose petals in a romantic scented bath.
- Use petals in a clear lamp or vase as a decorative piece.
And flower-pressing is a hobby too. Well, since alia gave me a flower-pressing kit for my 18th birthday. It's been fun, although only Bella Luna's flower that I only 'press'. Got to wait for the real spring season when flowers actually bloom, maybe then I could pluck some flowers (The ones that look like they're gonna die though. It'll be cruel just to pluck them off for no reason.)
Dan Dia lah yang menurunkan air hujan dari langit, lalu Kami tumbuhkan dengan air itu segala macam tumbuh-tumbuhan, maka Kami keluarkan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan itu tanaman yang menghijau, Kami keluarkan dari tanaman yang menghijau itu butir yang banyak, dan dari mayang kurma mengurai tangkai-tangkai yang berdekatan dan lagi (Kami tumbuhkan) kebun-kebun dari pokok-pokok anggur, zaitun dan delima, yang serupa dan tiada yang serupa. Kamu perhatikanlah buahnya, bila ia berbuah dan buahnya yang telah masak. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu menjadi tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang mau beriman.
[Surah Al-An'aam;99]
[Surah Al-An'aam;99]
links : floral care tips
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