Thursday, April 19, 2007

Malaysia Truly Asia huh ?

What would you get if you google search Malaysia? You'd get some pictures and photos KLCC, the geographical image of Malaysia on planet Earth, Putrajaya etc.

But if 'Malaysia Truly Asia' ? You'll get these kinda pictures. Well, I just realized that none of the advertisements have Malaysian women wearing the hijab @ tudung. Well, maybe if I look through all the images on google maybe I could find some. But, it was a quick search and I had to stop after looking through till page 18 of google images. Well, it's just something to ponder upon. I mean, we're talking about Malaysia here. It's an advertisement for tourist to come visit Malaysia, but what about the reality of the Malaysians there? Majority of Malaysians(malays that is) are Muslims, but why are we ashamed to show to the world how we dress ?


What will it be if we put this photo on one of the advertisements ?

Something out of the ordinary for an advertisement photo eyh?

I'm still a kid and I may not think in the economists way, but it's just that..

I've been pondering..


and trying to reason..

why ?

guess I should take an econs class in one of my semesters here. Just to try and think in 'their ' way.

I'm sorry if I'm hurting anyone's feeling, but its just that I have to have my say.

0 had said their words: